101 in 1001
To celebrate Leap Year, I’m leaping into 101 in 1001 (give or take a few)*!!!

*While this started as a 101 in 1001 list, our new goal extends to “Before they head out to college.” I am excited at the goals I’ve set – some big, some small. They will guarantee that I still have a life outside of blogging, be present in my own town, help me teach my kids to have a sense of adventure, and to grow and challenge myself. If anyone wants to join me for any of these, virtually or in real-life, let me know! If anyone has any suggestions or contacts to help me reach my goals, I’d be very appreciative!
My list was inspired by Smile, kiddo, who also pointed out the Day Zero Project! If this gets your creative juices flowing, please make a list of your own and let me know!
- Visit the Indiana Jones exhibit at Discovery Cube
- Take kids overnight trip skiing
- See the Glory of Christmas at the Crystal Cathedral – not sure what the future of this is – church splitting up!
- Go to Comic-Con – we’re starting with The Star Wars Celebration, April 2015!
- Attend the Manhattan Beach Open
- Visit 5 beaches in CA – all must be at least 100 miles from previous ones
- Play in the rain
- See snow in the mountain and walk on the beach in the same day
- Cook or Bake 1 new thing from each cookbook I own – 1 down, 14 to go
- Make Ice Cream in a Bag
- Have a picnic somewhere we’ve never been before
- Have a rainbow meal – food representing all colors of rainbow
- Learn how to make sushi – Does Spam Musubi count? Same technique – all I need are fish, not a can?!
- Go to a restaurant solo (no iGadgets either) and order a full meal, appetizers to dessert and relish in it!
- Drink as much water as coffee for a week started with a whole month: September, 2014!
16 – 26: FAMILY FUN
- Take kids on trail ride
- See a Cirque Du Soleil show – 2/7/16 We saw Cavalia’s Odysseo (created by Cirque founder: Normand Latourelle)
- Do a 5K with both kids – Looking into possibility of Running LA Big 5K then cheering LA Marathoners the next day!
- Build a blanket fort and sleep in it
- Send a message in a bottle
- Solve Rubik’s Cube
- Go to a drive-in movie
- Eat at Blue Bayou at Disneyland
- Find perfect sand dollars
We went to find sand dollars but only found rocks for skipping. We’ll try again in the Spring! - Take kids to Vegas to see show (4/2015)
- Buy a Magic 8 ball and make all decisions for a weekend day based on what it tells me
- Read at least 10 books on my bookshelf; half must be “classics”
So far: Of Mice & Men (Steinbeck) - See Sunrise & Sunset in one day (Point Mugu, 11/9/13)
- Read or browse (if not interested in reading) the whole Sun. LA Times that Sun. morning
- Write my name in the sand
On the way home, still in my work dress, I kicked off my shoes and walked down to put my toes in the water. - Watch a film in Spanish with no subtitles
- Look through my hope chest of memories with my kids – March 10, 2012
- Use my cards to send notes to people “just because”
- Make a wish on 12:12am/pm on 12/12/12! – I hoped that the world would not end on 12/21/12 and what do you know, here we are! I also wished for a safe family cruise and we got back having the time of our lives!!
- Try glass blowing
- Pencil sketch something from nature
- Leave chalk messages for neighborhood
- Learn how to sew
- Turn kids’ old sports jerseys into pillow covers
- Complete Lauren’s ABC photo album
- Complete 1 more photo album
- Take a picture of the shape of every letter in the alphabet
- Draw self-portraits
44 – 51: JUST F*IN WRITE!
- Write a short story and submit for contest
- Haiku a week for Summer Break
- Write a detailed zombie apocalypse plan – found old term paper on Serpent and the Rainbow for reference
- Take a song-writing class
- Develop my blog – what is it’s purpose, what is my intent?
- Create a writing desk
- Answer the “50 questions that will free your mind”
- Learn 25 new things by hitting “random” on wikipedia.com (done 8/19/13) – write short story using 3 of them
- Go to a rodeo
- See David Beckham play with Galaxy – Made verbal plans with neighbors to go!
- Watch an Ironman competition live
55 – 60: SORT IT OUT
- Limit myself to 1 junk drawer & 1 Misc. box
- Figure out shelving inside “Game cabinet” so not just 1 big pile
- Get rid of 101 of my things – my kids’ toys are safe
- Get all CDs on iPod and sell CDs
- Get all pictures on computer with backed up copies
- Sort all actual prints and get them in sequential order
- Take dance lessons and let someone else lead
- Take a photography class
- Karaoke with a live band backing me
- Speed Dating event
- Buy a Groupon for something I’ve never done before
- Be in a flash mob
- Daughter’s thing for me to do: Swim with us in pool at Nani’s
- Son’s thing for me to do: He’s still thinking
- Do a voiceover job – free or paid
- Write a business plan
- Complete a “thing to do” that one of my blog readers suggests (Vote below in the comments!)
- Learn how to play guitar
73 – 76: MY REWARDS
- Buy something for myself off of Etsy
- Get a massage
- Get cruising bike for me
- Buy a chair like the ones I love from the Sheraton – Modern Wingback Chair
77 – 80: MY ROOTS
- Go to Korea for the first time since I was born with the Korean Hapa Tour or a Motherland tour with Holt (the agency I was adopted through).
- Visit at least 5 different ethnic festivals (from countries represented in my family) & then the same week, cook a recipe from one of the countries
- Learn to make one Hungarian pastry or casserole from my Grandmother’s recipes
- Go to Korean Cultural Center in LA (Done: 02/02/15)
81 – 93: WHERE I LIVE
- Take a historic walking tour of Los Angeles
- Get as close as possible to Hollywood Sign
- Go to a movie premier
Invited to a Blue Carpet Premiere! - Go to Grammy Museum
- Buy Star Map, drive around oogling at homes
- Be a tv or movie extra or seat-filler
- Go to the Getty
- Visit Samuel French Bookstore
- Attend a TV Taping – preferably America’s Funniest Home Videos
- Hike Runyon or Topanga Canyon
- See a movie at the Cinerama – May 31, 2014: X-Men: Days of Future Past

- Visit the Tim Burton Exhibit – I missed it – it was gone before I made list. I have to come up with a replacement
MODIFIED: See Danny Elfman play his hits from Tim Burton and other great films! - Watch local play or ballet – March 2, 2014: with Kids and Aunt Banana

- Do the MS Walk with Team Hope – 3/1 – Registered and officially FUNdraising! I’ve raised $40 so far!
- Build a Habitat for Humanity house
- Find the best way to Pay it Forward for Single Parents
- Do Birthday Project this year – Announced May 31, 2014
98 – 100: DON’T WANT TO DO
- Don’t eat out for a week
- Don’t speak a single word for a day
- No Internet, Social Media, Video Games, not even blogging for a weekend
- Take my kids, their sister, their dad & his new wife to either a Disney Cruise or Disney’s Aulani so the kids can have at least one great family vacation memory together before the eldest leaves for college. Lots of great together and separate activities!
Don’t forget to leave a comment with your suggestion of the activity I will have to do! I will randomly choose one and complete the activity in the next 1,001 days!
Thank you for wandering by!
*The list will take me longer than 1,001 thanks to a little 600 day distraction called Grad School