Who am I?! – keep hidden, don’t toss
Just another single, working mom juggling attempts at creating balance, a direction, making my way, forcing a change, being present for the adventures, getting somewhere (not just older and wiser), and having a positive impact along the way. My goal is to take more mini mental vacations by listening to both my head and my heart – have fun following their whims, learn something new and wind up in a better place.
Along for the journey – whether they want to or not, are my two amazing kids. I am blessed with one of each. My son lives very much “in the lines” and my daughter lives colorfully and out loud “outside the lines.” They continually amuse, amaze and inspire me. Our latest fun is Yelping for fun writing #ThreeThumbReviews sharing each of our perspectives of any adventure we stumble upon in or beyond our town.
I have a thing for cheese: mac ‘n’ cheese (my kids don’t like it?!), freshly grated on pasta, nacho cheese, cheesy movies, cheesy love songs.
Let’s be real, I love ANY music, if I see someone live I become a life-long fan. Otherwise, if I can run, clean, mellow out, cry, smile, bust-a-move to the tune, I am into it.
I love living in So Cal and look forward to sharing what I love with you. If I didn’t live here I’d live all the way East somewhere to experience seasons in a huge house with a yard full of lightning bugs. For now I love my 2 cats, 1 old, 1 new because they let me live with them.
My life, family and my friends are here, so I don’t think I could make that move. It takes a village to raise kids and also to keep us parents sane! With all the thoughts I had popping in and out of my head, u-turning and racing back at me, I figure there are other folks – single or not – going through the same thing. So maybe we can back each other up and if nothing else, prove that we’re not crazy, losing it, suffering from M.A.D.D. – Mother’s Attention Deficit Disorder. We’re doing our best, giving our all, and are fortunate enough to remember that sometimes, we need a moment with our friends!
I still believe in learning something new every day and enjoying every gem of inspiration. So I’ll share what I’ve found and I’d love to hear what you find too!
Thanks for wandering with me!
TWITTER: WanderwithSarah
INSTAGRAM: WanderwithSarah
PINTEREST: MakesMeWander