Challenges, any changes, energize me. Call me Grace (under fire), I’m a sucker for deadlines – they’re part of my creative process. When sudden reorgs at work occur, I hunker down and work through tumultuous times. When baseball adds another 2 teams’ practices in one week, I rolled with it. Strengthsfinder 2.0 says I’m a problem solver – I live for solving the family’s carpool problems. Nothing throws me, until I’m faced with myself.
When first semester of grad school started I spent my first 48 hours fighting non-stop with technology but triumphantly gained a working knowledge for my class. I beat technology. When first semester ended, I spent my first 48 hours reading books to escape the textbooks. I beat the class!
But then nothing… Don’t get me wrong, my break rocked! We enjoyed the first holiday with 3 excited cousins (last year only 2 were old enough to anticipate traditions), cruised the Caribbean, caught some movies… But when given the chance, I didn’t do that “thing I would do even if I didn’t get paid”… I didn’t write. (Thank you if you noticed, I appreciate your support)!
I planned to blog, write a book, poetry – even haiku.
When I stepped away from my laptop on the last day of class, I turned my back on it. I didn’t want to touch it, look at it, nothing! Knowing this, I bought myself a composition book for writing, but, did nothing. I lost the opportunity.
Believe it or not, 6-7 weeks into the break, I craved returning to the rhythm of the master’s program. I missed my classmates, the weekly feeling of achievement; I anticipated an easier first 48 hours this time, and relished in the slight confidence of being a return Grad Student! The topics this semester thrilled me as I love the problem solving, creative work, and had some experience with strategic corporate and marketing communications. I looked forward to drawing on personal experience.
But, things changed. The blend of students was new, the rhythm of the class feels like a remix, and even the material seems opposite from my true-life experiences. This time, I recognize the fight-or-flight reaction and am rolling with it. I’m acclimating to the new semester with excessive amount of calendaring, spreadsheets and post-it notes, as well as commiserating with other students. It’s a change in perspective to see that change doesn’t thrill me, but it will only bring about positive changes in me.
And now, for today’s show-n-tell, I brought Hovercheese!! Can you please check my homework?!