Approaching my computer to surf people’s New Year’s Eve photos, I have the following windows open: two “respectable” job boards, “How to take control and reignite passion for your career,” “Transition from full-time to freelance,” “Top 5 regrets of people on their deathbed,” an unpublished manuscript reigniting my passion for my favorite vampire, and Google-search results for female mid-life crises. Call it what you want, I’m wandering along researching all possible scenarios, creating plans and back-up plans but choosing none.
When people ask, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” I say WRITE. I have loved writing since high school when I had a superb mentor and teacher who taught us to just let it flow. It was a way to be in touch with myself and to bring life and sense to my random thoughts. After having children I tiptoed back into creative writing with some classes, collecting, but not developing, ideas.
“What have you written?” comes next. I list a few adapted works and present a long list of “I’d love to write…” So truthfully – nothing. I feverishly start, grow tired of the story, or claim “too busy” to finish. I am easily distracted and have a tireless imagination that creates obstacles to keep me from writing. Some were carelessly thrown there, some I put there to force me to follow into a more stable, less isolated destination. However, the bottom line is, I’m not writing.
Oprah always says the universe speaks first in whispers, then messages, then a good friend smacks you upside the head [paraphrased] “Love the idea, just f’in write it already!”
After re(ally soul)searching, and being a big believer in baby steps, I created a plan to have NO plan besides committing to write 365 words/day for 365 days! That is 11,102 words a month, 133,225 a year! I will try new experiences, read new books, swim upstream when necessary, re-visit favorite haunts or just catch the tail of thoughts that flitter through my mind – or distract me with something sparkly from yours – and wander along to see where it goes! This journey will be more fun with great conversations, so please, wander with me!
Nice start, Sarah! Who is the teacher/mentor you mentioned? I’ve always credited Mr. Franzen (10th grade English) with getting me into writing.
Appreciate the post! What are you writing these days?
You’ll have to be a guest haiku-er! Love the haiku reviews!
Nice blog, Sarah! Who is the teacher/mentor you mentioned? I’ve always credited Mr. Franzen with encouraging me to start writing.
Thanks Jim! Mr. Franzen and Mr. Bradshaw actually, so two teachers! Glad you’re writing too!
Thanks Jim! Have you been in touch with Mr. Franzen to tell him?