WARNING: Excessive whining causes narrowing of the mind, restricted creativity flow, cloudy vision and thickened skull. Tonight, after working a great first day at my new job, I left feeling confident in my position floating on top of the learning curve. I couldn’t wait to get home for a great family evening.
When I picked up the kids up, dizziness came on immediately as I fought to keep up with their protests. Starting with ditching Tae Kwon Do, they whined that my late arrival would cost them 150 pushups. I finally said “Tell Master to make me do them!” Anything would be less painful than the bickering!
I empathized understanding that my daughter’s mood reflected her involuntarily quitting her security blankets cold turkey (we’re still looking) and that to my pre-tween son, losing 15 minutes of precious sleep made him a troll. They continued in rare form through dinner and two stores as we searched for graph paper. In the parking lot after the 2nd store I shared my plan to suggest to his teachers to include graph paper the next time they assign overnight homework requiring it. When my son shared that he might have been able to pick up a piece in class, my blood pressure skyrocketed.
When everyone calmed down enough to fall into a sleep coma, my desire to blog flatlined. Resuscitating it required drastic measures. Fortunately I pulled out the tool able to shock my system and get my writing flowing again – word generator prompt app! These spit out random words that, together, sound like something Magic 8 ball toys said.
Perhaps it’s cheating, but I passed on a few combinations until I got one that instantly sent sparks pulsing into my veins. My words were “Premed Chest.” Two ideas crashed forth into my head, competing for top billing: Premed students pushing on dummy chests for CPR, and Dr. Feelgood, the college Premed student with a great chest! Since I’ve almost hit 365 words, I’ll save that post for later.
Although I didn’t write about “Premed Chest” yet, the random word generator did treat my writer’s block! I won’t be so skeptical next time I need to recharge my writing!