Age: 7 years old Date Lost: 1/28/12 Location: Around house
My yellow buddies
Fit perfectly in my hand
Always in my heart
Description: A pair of identical travel size blankets (the bear and the spare) last seen wearing pale yellow satin outer shell with slight ruffle, over comforting soft thin fleece. Breed: Gerber Travel Blanket – discontinued. One has distinct markings of a bear permanently embroidered on it. May have a noticeable stink, though to its owner blooms as sweet as a rose. Identified by LH initials on their tags. Both answer to the name of “Buddy.”
The buddies provide mood-stabilization; deep relaxation, potentially capable of inducing instant deep sleep.
They provided healing needed to get through emergency room visits for smashed fingers and pinched elbow nerves with just a brief single tear. They warmed heads in the winter and hearts all year. They supplied constant unconditional love, unquestioning companionship, unfaltering support, inarguable comfort, soothing hugs, force-field protection and pure elation for their owner and stuffed animals.
They were last spotted in owner’s apartment before she lost eye contact for an instant. Searches in that perimeter turned up no clues. We’ve expanded in an exhaustive top-to-bottom search of the premises and surrounding homes. So far theories surrounding the buddies’ disappearance entertain the possibility that a big meanie may have destroyed the buddies.
Less common, but equally plausible theories contributing to their disappearance include their electrically charged attraction leaving them clinging to one of the unusually high numbers of visitors from that day.
Owner is distraught over the loss of her buddies and needs medication in the form of TLC.
This violation has shaken the owner’s normally tough exterior leaving her moods delicate, her water works on, increasing her tendency towards drama and uncontrollable bickering. She refuses to think the worst and has unwavering faith that her recovered buddies will show up safe at home soon.
Please Help Them Find Their Way Home!
Reward offered for the safe return of the buddies, and
any anonymous information leading to the arrest or prosecution of the buddie-napper.
If You Find These Blankets Please Immediately Comment Above. Please help share our efforts to Bring Buddies Home.