April proved to be an amazing month for parenting, but not-so-amazing for blogging. In my kids’ already compacted schedule, we added a Scout promotion, a scholastic reading contest, several musical recitals and amazing ball games to name a few. The month yielded many highlights and challenges but as I entered May – with its exponentially increasing quantity of tasks as the end of school barrels towards us – I found that I’d fallen behind. I’m trying to figure out the best way to right this write and need your blogger advice!

I’m determined to fulfill this year’s word count with at least 133,225 words. If quantity matters most, I can double up on a few weekends to get caught up this month. With each post taking up to 2 hours from brain spark to publish, most weeknights would not accommodate more than one amazing adventure – not a quality one anyway. My ultimate goal is to write posts people want to read.
I could restart the counter. If I’ve teased this as “365 days of 365 words,” then any break would disconnect the chain obligating me to start over, would it not? Do I need to rip off my 365 days blogging badges until I’ve passed a certain number of days that will allow me to “re-earn them?” I’m not married to the idea of voiding the 44,000+ words that I’ve crafted thus far. Plus, that just feels a little harsh.
Do I get excused if I have a note explaining that I did the best I could but that when making the choice between family and blogging – I chose family?! I wouldn’t feel right with an excuse because a) I made a commitment to the blogosphere and I am a woman of my word and b) I don’t let my kids get away with excuses, rather I try to set the example of adjusting to the flow of life – sometimes we wander along, sometimes we must run to get it all done – and rest afterwards.
I value your opinions, fellow wanderers. Please tell me if you’ve ever fallen behind on a regular blog and how you resolved this?
The one thing about blogging is that you are your own boss, and I really think you need to not be such a strict boss on yourself! If keeping up with the goal you set yourself is becoming a chore, or causing you any stress then what are you doing it for? From a reader’s point of view, if we follow several blogs, it can be difficult to keep up with the blogs from those who post daily, and I’m sure people prefer quality over quantity. You’re not failing if you readjust your goals – they are your goals for you, and you deserve to give yourself a break now and again 😉
Thank you! I did wonder if I was being too strict towards myself so I appreciate the leniency there! I am doing it for the discipline of writing daily but will definitely consider all parts of the experience! Thanks for wandering by and for your words of wisdom!!
I agree with Vanessa with regard to the feeling of it becoming a chore. Writing 365 words for 365 days is such an admirable goal, but perhaps it would be more geared towards somebody who has a bit (or a lot) more free time.
I love reading your blog, but I also understand how big of a commitment it is to write that many words per day.
Perhaps modifying the “365” goal to fit your current life schedule would be a good alternative. Try posting each day, but mix up the length of them. Some days you will have your normal post that takes you two hours to complete and other days, when life has you in a headlock, perhaps you’ll post just a favorite quote of yours or something very short.
Sure, this may not be the true “365” goal but it’s not far from it either.
I know wordpress even has a mobile app so you can post a one-liner from your phone should the notion strike you at some point in the day.
Either way, you’re doing a great job entertaining a lot of people.
You all are too sweet! I appreciate the lesson to learn to cut myself some slack sometimes! Thanks for wandering by and dropping pearls of wisdom!
April was an amazing month…I started blogging on the 19th! lol. Love your blog!
Welcome to the blogosphere! Thank you for wandering by with such kind words!