COMMUNITY GATHERING: Going to Hell in a Handbasket
For some reason, a church group, who shall not be named, ruined their California vacation saving our high school from Hell. While claiming to be Christians, they are known for not living by the Golden Rule “Do unto others…” nor the Mommy Rule “If you can’t say anything nice…”
I support Freedom of Speech but don’t agree with the church’s bully tactic spreading hurtful negativity to students still making up their minds about their place in this world. The community immediately rallied to support our students. I haven’t protested anything before, but felt strongly about protecting my town.
I’ve never really felt like I belonged to any community before – more like a long-term visitor. I moved around a lot throughout my life and had never lived anywhere longer than 5 years. When I first moved here I felt like I was fleeing one life and throwing myself into another. Next thing you know, 10 years have passed and I’m settling in.
I shy away from confrontations, religion, and politics. I also didn’t want to greet the group with hate. My rational brain tried to follow and understand the church’s love logic though they’re pretty tight-lipped. They don’t talk as much as they hold signs. Nasty signs. I was nervous for my reaction.
Hundreds of school students and parents assembled with supporters from neighboring towns. I was immediately swept up and woven into the colorful, compassionate community tapestry. Love tied us together.
When the 5 or 6 members of the church group appeared, I was shocked to see how young two of the members were. These kids should’ve been in school, yet here they stood facing down hundreds of people. I wondered if they were as nervous about us as I’d been about them.
Love drowned out hate. The church group’s chants were muted by our voices singing “Love Is Love!” Their disgusting signs covered by our messages of love. Within 30 min. they were gone. While their elders may have taken us in stride, I can’t help but wonder if the younger members recognized the difference between their community and its definition of love and true loving, supportive community!
Our students learned that love wins!