With last night’s record-breaking $1.6 billion dollar powerball, how many of us spent $2 adding wind to our sails, wishing for the windfall and the endless possibilities of an open horizon? Experts came forth publishing pounds of advice for what to do if you win. What about those of us who now realize that the winds did change directions and now we must responsibly navigate this drastic return to reality.
- Protect that ticket and take your time– Don’t shred that ticket yet. In California alone, over 3.5 million people won something in the drawing. Don’t rush – the longer you take to check your numbers, the longer you can believe you won a big prize! But hey, if you spent $2 and win $4, you doubled your money. Call it gravy if it’s small, if it’s large then sock it away (see #3)!

- Don’t quit your job just yet – (Hopefully you didn’t already do it last night). Here’s where you count your blessings. You have a job, a steady income. You have co-workers to commiserate around the watercooler with about how you always visit THAT winning store except this time. Your career goals from before that Powerball dream rolled in are still intact, so find that magic – or dream better dreams!
- Hire professionals – Most millionaires are such because they don’t spend like they are one. In other words, consult professionals, bring your Powerball dreams of a new car, or Tahiti vacation to them and they’ll overhaul your income/expenses so to get you on a plane sooner than you ever thought.
- Change your address and go unlisted – In order to reach those dreams, cut out distractions: Political mailers, advertisements and incentives to tempt you away from your financial goals. Turn off the phone and check out regularly for a bit to center and be mindful of your surroundings and your path.
So although the immediate results varied, the advice and end result could still be the same. Plus, people always appreciate experiences more when they worked to finance them (parents take note) so you are probably better off in the end.
That being said, I’m curious about where everyone wound up. Share your stories!
Thanks for the breakdown of the winnings! I think I got ZERO numbers. I’m not lucky in lotteries, but I’m lucky in my connections with people. That is much more important for me 😉
I got zero numbers too but got more than $2 of excitement and entertainment out of my ticket so I suppose it was a winning game in that sense. Thanks for wandering by!