He looks familiar, but, why?:

Maybe these will help.
Check out Mr. Microphone that he sold to check YOU out:
Or you were maybe hooked by the Pocket Fisherman:
Ron Popeil is the original king of TV infomercials and though he progressed into an inventor, known for a collection of products “As Seen on TV,” he was a sales man first. Bottom line, he’s earned $2 billion in sales in 40 years (Ronco, 2013). Ron knows his audience, knows how to persuade them and, was one of the first to utilize the power of television ads.
Though not close during Ron’s childhood, he and his father reconciled and Ron helped drum up business for a cut of his dad’s invention sales. Ron found he was a natural who craved and pursued this human connection and affection through sales (Ronco, 2013). Immediately he made about $1000 a week while most Americans made half that (Ron Popeil, n.d.).
He sharpened his approach by practicing with live audiences and listening to customers. He learned what customers’ objections were and what silly questions would surface. To prepare to start taping infomercials in the 50s, at the dawn of TV, he practiced at stores in front of people.
He sold sometimes to men (Ronco Spray Gun); sometimes women (Chop-o-matic). He sold convenience (Rotisserie), youth (GLH “Spray On Hair” Formula), or even fun (Pocket Fisherman).
He offered an irresistible package: A quality product at bargain prices, with one quick phone call – but, if you call now, you get MORE, often with money back guarantees.
Remember, he became a billion dollar company by purchasing fewer but longer commercials often shown during the lesser-watched wee hours. While he claims it was for cost reasons, I know that my resistance (common sense) is lower during those times. I’ll share my Nads hair removal story another time.
He was a huge success because of his drive and his connection with his audience. Many infomercial celebs have come since then but the biggest sign that he was a visionary (besides the mention in Entrepreneur Magazine) was Weird Al wrote a song about him (starts around :25).
Which of Popeil’s products did you own?
Who’s your favorite Informercial King of all time?!

About Ronco. (n.d.) _Ronco.com_ Retrieved from
Curtis, I. (2013, Mar. 9) Ron Popeil Non-Stop Infomercials. Consumers Final Countdown. Retrieved from Popeil (Oct. 10, n.y.) _Entrepreneur: Visionaries._ _Retrieved from