Looking down on down!
This is my 2-legged/2-winged peking duck niece or nephew. I can’t tell which it is, all I know is it’s CUTE!

Here is one more so you can see the down cuteness of its fluffy buns!! Thanks to my sister Auntie Pita for taking these pictures! Can’t wait to meet them in person!

I had an idea similar to yours but could not get the pictures. lovely take,, well done..;)
Great minds think alike! Thanks for wandering through!
Cute indeed! Love this!
Thanks for wandering by Teeceecounsel!
OMG could this be any cuter!?!?!?!?!??! i want him so bad : )
They are so stinking cute, but already growing out of baby duck size and already almost big full time ducks! I’ll find a way to work them into another photo challenge! Thanks for wandering by!