Whenever I get days off from work, I take care of neglected things – and as you’ve seen, blogging made the list longer. With me having three days off before rolling into the kids’ Spring Break, I couldn’t wait to get caught up.
I immediately signed up to fulfill my parental duty working the drop-off for my daughter’s class. Then I helped in my son’s class helping with a super fun hands-on science roller coaster building project.
The break also fit perfectly with my son’s Battle of the Books. Seeing how the contest operated brought so much more meaning to his team’s positioning in the top two which qualified them for the district championship! He and his friends on all teams really worked hard and it felt great seeing them shine in this scholastic competition.

They’re done, I got my refund, I don’t want to talk about them for at least another 290 days. We did one splurge, renewing our passes to a local theme park and immediately broke them in!

I spent time with some of the most adorable babies! From my 15-month niece to my friends’ 9-month and 6-week old babies, it was a delicious morning of baby smell, snuggles and mom chats!
We spent so much time shuttling to band auditions and ball games, to name a few, that for a moment, I couldn’t figure out how we normally manage this. During spring break ball sports were cancelled which meant we didn’t have to leave town to “get away.”
We relaxed with all my family, and enjoyed our favorite traditions – Hungarian Feasting and Maryland Crab Feast! My kids soaked in their favorite event – swimming! We met new babies: 2 ducks and a dog, and had a girls’ night to get my sister caught up on Twilight: Breaking Dawn!

While my place isn’t spotless, folding laundry the same day we washed it and the kitchen sink being absent of dishes meant a lot.
Although, I worried that it was too much at first, the break maintained a perfect balance of work and play! How about you? Working hard or hardly working? There is no wrong answer!
We got our refund, too. I have to upgrade my computer memory ($75), buy the new OS ($100 for both computers I think), then back everything up to the cloud…then my iPad goes in for replacement as some of the pixels have gone haywire, but that is covered under my AppleCare warranty.
Then we get to buy tires.
You know…the sexy, fun stuff to use a refund on. 😛 lol
I hear you! Most of mine went to non-glamorous stuff too! Blech! Thanks for wandering by!